Thursday, June 10, 2010

It didn't last long!!

So take a look at my last lovely new art studio, and compare after a little more than a week of working in it. The table has already exploded!! But notice if you will the wooden plaque I bought last week (on sale...66% off!!). I may be messy, but at least I'm following my heart. And my heart says "DO ART". I've never heard it say "CLEAN THIS UP". So I'm basically just doing what I'm told. Can't blame a girl for following her heart. (However, my mom is coming to visit in three weeks, and a little voice inside me is yelling "CLEAN. CLEAN. CLEAN.". I think as long as she doesn't open any closets I'll be ok.


  1. LOL! That's nothing! Have you seen my studio? Love the plaque! I have a little milk jug that was one of my first purchases for my studio that says "follow your dreams" I keep glass rods in it on studio bench.

  2. A tidy clean studio is in my opinion an unused studio! I read somewhere on the web: I cannot be creative and tidy at the same time. This rings true to me. I always make a big old mess and after every project or two I throw the left overs away, sweep the table and the floor and then....start al over making a big old mess again. It works for me. Pictures of my studio can be found on my flickr, both tidy and messy. Http:// or follow the link on my blog.
