Sunday, November 14, 2010

I got what I asked for

In my last blog I asked for more time. What I meant was that I wanted more hours in the day to be able to do the things I love. What I got was exactly what I asked for......more time. Yep, I'm still here, breathing the kicking (actually I'm typing - no kicking involced), and time is still ticking away. They say (who is they anyway?) "be careful what you ask for". I should have asked for more FREE time. So I really did get what I asked for. "They" were right - darn them.

I just got back from Las Vegas where I attended my fifth Clay Carnival - a wonderful four days of taking workshops from eight national polymer clay instructors. As always it was super duper fabulous, but somehow this year it seemed all the more wonderful. I wasn't sure why so I've been reflecting on it. I think it is many reasons - I know so many of the attendees now that I feel at home, the teachers are so much fun and always informative, and I guess the main reason is that I can get totally lost in what I really love......creating.
I am sharing with you a photo of the group that attended (I'm Lavender Girl sitting in the front row) and a sculpture I did in Leslie Blackford's class. It is a pregnant mermaid. I'm not sure how that idea came out of my brain, but I bet I've got more crazy ideas in there. Now I just have to get more FREE TIME to let them out.

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